Alright, there are a LOT of quick fixes out there that companies try to sell us for overall health and wellbeing.
I have found that the key to feeling healthy and happy,
is the long-term choices you make.
For example,
many of us live in the fight or flight (sympathetic nervous system) response. This is due to modern life's many stressors: time constraints, pressure to make enough money to survive, expectations surrounding what our social time should look like, nutrient-lacking food, and so so so much more.
As I've made choices now over years that have turned on the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest response), I feel less anxiety, and more like I can handle life, rather than being tossed around by it!
There is loads of information out there, thanks to the internet. This is a tool that can feel overwhelming, as well as empowering.
This is why I'm a big fan of muscle testing. If you muscle test, or see what your body actually responds well to, you're able to narrow choices down quite a bit.
The subconscious mind thinks in YES or NO. You can ask it, would this supplement benefit me? You can even ask if a certain color would benefit you! Or, if certain exercises would be useful.
Check out my muscle testing video here:
Much love, and namaste. <3
