There are a lot of factors that go into losing weight (which when we say weight, we really want to lose fat). Our weight fluctuates every day. For example, if I eat and drink heavily on a holiday, then my weight will go up. That does not mean that my FAT is necessarily going up and down that quickly.
Holistic Factors
Gut health: you may have heard the saying, “you are what you eat.” In reality, you are what you DIGEST. You can eat something, however if your body isn’t taking in the nutrients from the food, you are not getting proper nutrition. If you have a parasite in your digestive system, then you’re definitely not getting all the nutrients you think you are. Chances are grossly high, that you may have one:,in%20a%20number%20of%20ways.
I have a few times, and my symptoms were being exhausted, and stomach upset.
Detoxing: If you aren’t losing weight, you might be filled with toxins and chemicals. Our modern world has a ton of them. Our systems can get back logged and not work properly. I highly recommend detoxing the liver and clearing out your system.
ALSO, once you do start to burn fat, fat actually holds toxins. SOOOO you’ve got to wipe all of that out with extra clean water, and supplements like clay, or activated charcoal.
You do NOT have to count calories if you’re eating whole and nutritious foods (whole grains, lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, healthy fats).
If you’ve starved yourself and eaten not enough calories, you basically have to get your metabolism back on track. I’ve never stuck to a huge calorie restriction for a long period of time, and eat a lot. I don’t gain weight, though.
If you're super stressed, the body’s priority is not going to releasing weight. Fat is nature’s protector.
Find the movement that works for you – if you hate the gym, you are not going to go. Choices come from how we feel, so if you hate something or are scared, it ain’t gonna happen.
Get 1% better each day. Our brains like to go from 0-100. Black to white. In reality, we’ve got a bunch of gray area to live in. For example, someone who completely changes their diet, hits the gym at 5am each day, blah blah blah is making too many changes at once - the brain is going to go back to what is comfortable and familiar. You’ve got to make changes in bite sized bits over time to truly change and make the changes sustainable.
It is truly more than calories in, calories out. 100 calories of chips is not the same nutritionally as 100 calories of fruit or vegetables.
Self sabotage – my one grandfather I got to have in a human body in this lifetime, ate his emotions that he repressed as a child, for as long as I knew him. We have subconscious thoughts, and feelings that create the patterns that play out in our choices we make in DAILY LIFE. In his example, he didn’t feel nourished as a little boy from his mother, so he self-soothed and nourished himself, to an intense and “too much” degree.
Beliefs – again, choices come from beliefs we have. Some old classic ones for weight loss and being healthy include: you have to clean your plate and if you don’t you’re wasting, vegetables are gross, weight loss is about restriction and not fun, etc. Start to become aware of your beliefs, and slowly start to shift them.
A lot of us are really hard on our bodies (and our cells are hearing that!!!). What if you started to be thankful for your body, instead of hating it?
A lot of us have learned to self soothe with food - it’s a tough one, because we need food to eat. Finding that balance of a clean diet, and learning how to cope with emotional needs in other ways just takes time.
Building and creating health in a body will have fat come off as a side effect
Fluctuations on a daily basis come from water/food. It’s NOT you losing fat that quickly. For losing fat, we have to look at a longer period of time.
If you’re looking to lose weight, contact me and we can create a plan that works for you. :)