Tell me that’s not aligned and divine. Now some folks will have thoughts of - no, all this is just chance.
If you view this world from that frame work, my guess is there may be a lot of fear, a lot of uncertainty, a lot of anxiety, a lot of victim mentality, and a host of other experiences.
I’ve found, if I view things from a higher perspective, then I can feel a lot happier and healthier. I’ve found my way out of anxiety, depression, feeling like a victim to my circumstances, feeling meaningless, and more.
Now, I view what happens in my life, or who I meet, as a lesson. What is this teaching me? How can I grow from it? I can be more grateful for things, which allows life to feel more magical and miracles unfold in front of my eyes. I can ask for my needs being met, and if they’re not, I can still be okay, rather than being thrown into a tizzy and tailspin that I stay in for a few days. I can give meaning to the tough emotional lessons, seeing how I can grow, compared to feeling upset and wishing my reality were different.
Find your people.
Be yourself around them, whatever re-ACTION they bring up within you.
