Remember - Harry Potter, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Marvel? They may be “fiction” BUTttttt they are a part of our one consciousness simultaneously. 🤯
Now that scary stuff is happening in real life in many capacities. Climate change, social unrest, politics, etc you name it blah blah blah. ALSO remember Donald Tr*mp, anyone?
The process of the good winning in the end may take longer than we like (hello, Infinity War!) That’s where we find ourselves in uncertainty. Fear arises.
Another thing to mention here is that we don’t know everything. We think we do. We only certain bits of information at times. IE - watching Harry Potter 6 right now when Snape kills Dumbledore so Harry thinks he’s bad. We all know he turns it around in book 7 (movie 8) and had to do that because he was actually being a double agent and working for the light.
From a spiritual and universal perspective, everything is working out for the highest good. Fear and our ego tells us otherwise. We like to try to control and KNOW everything.
We must hold out. We must keep fighting. Keep hope in your heart and soul. And do the work to strip away the beliefs that hold you back, and stuck in survival mode 💯 We are here to ascend into a new level of consciousness on earth RIGHT. NOW.
Allow it to happen.
Shine the light.
