And I've got thoughts, ideas, and see GAPS in how we can treat dis-orders and imbalances!!!!!!!!!!!
This is the kind of stuff I love -
watching and observing people and their patterns
and then shining light on the gaps -- how to move forward differently, etc.
The gastric bypass doctor and the dietician basically say -- do this, this, and this. Information is awesome, it's great, it's empowering. HOWEVER the gap here is -- our choices and behaviors come from how we're FEELING. As someone that had to deal with my sugar craving myself, I had to figure out what choice I could make that WASN'T sugar in a moment when I really, really craved it. As a weight loss coach for over 3 years, I helped others through this cycle.
Victim mentality -- one of the sisters likes to play the victim card. We as humans, have adopted the - "WHY ME, GOD?!?!!??!" mindset. It's easier to blame external forces, rather than take responsibility for our actions and circumstances, because our ego wants to protect us. It doesn't want us to feel upset and uncomfortable.
codependency / enmeshment -- many people are living this reality out. "I can't be okay, unless this other person is okay." Trauma bonding makes sense; these two really only had each other and looked out for each other, when the rest of the people in their lives, made them feel like outcasts.
guilt/shame/depression -- sometimes goals and expectations are hard. we put in work, expect results, and then if the results don't show up, or they can't be measured in the way we expect them to, we can fall into a shame, guilt, or depressed spiral, which just digs the hole deeper. We want to give up and stop. We just give in, "might as well stop now, I can't do this."
trauma -- The home environment these two grew up in didn't have much love, their mother would belittle them, and they didn't have many friends at school. The act of eating and food is a comfort mechanism. It's a way to self-soothe. If this trauma is never dealt with, it will continue on and on and on and on....... and on.
Comfort zone - this is how POWERFUL comfort and self-soothing is: we will MAKE CHOICES OVER TIME THAT SLOWLY KILL US, rather than get uncomfortable for a little bit of time. That slight leaning into fear, pain, suffering, THAT'S HOW WE CAN ACTUALLY GET THROUGH THOSE FOR THE LONG TERM, AND NOT CARRY THEM AROUND FOREVER!!!!! Start feeling your feelings. Even if you cry, that's okay. If you feel angry, go STOMP, hit a pillow, release it. Stop carrying it around. The more you pretend like something isn't there, the more it will show up in your life. What you resist, persists.
but kind of, 6A -- adult temper tantrums. Adults can get all stressed, flustered. we don't get what we want sometimes, and then we can act out and manipulate others to get our needs met. I can actually see this in a real-life, family member example. Stress bubbles up, and then they throw a tantrum, and are soooooo MEAN to everyone around them. They want to feel important, seen, validated, so they make a big FUSS and scream to get the attention they're craving. Do you notice this in people around you at all? Adults in the media?
resilience / stress tolerance -- Yes, life is hard. It's hard for everyone. We are all here to grow through challenges and struggles. cry, feel frustrated, feel upset, and keep going. regulate the nervous system so not EVERYTHING feels overwhelming and too much, so that you quit and not get anywhere because it's all so difficult.
there will ALWAYS be naysayers / haters / those that don't agree, or won't support you. Ya, that sucks. It hurts. We want to be accepted. Some people will spread their own negativity, their own pain and hurts onto others. Know that they're fulfilling a need for their own selves in doing that. It's not about you. It will sting for a little bit, you'll be feeling upset. However, once you understand where THEY were coming from in saying that, you'll be empowered in staying in your own lane and own frame of energy.
Some people definitely have children not to love them and support them more ........ it's pretty awful! So many kids don't feel loved, seen, supported by their parents. AND THIS WILL DEFINITELY FOLLOW THAT PERSON THROUGH OUT LIFE. I met someone not too long ago that was a child born into parents that used drugs. Like, c'mon, people....... if we can't take care of ourselves, we definitely can't give the care, love, support, to another being that needs to completely rely on another to survive. If you want to help, you can send a TON of love and healing to specific people that you may see in this pattern. Just conjure up love, light, and send it straight to their heart. <3