I used to not love myself. Or, really like myself. I was uncomfortable in my skin.
I didn't.. fit. I didn't feel like I belonged.
I wasn't confident. I people - pleased. I lived in my trauma loops. I didn't want to date. I didn't like putting myself out there, because people would judge and not like me.
and now
it is completely different.
I show up just being myself in each interaction I have.
I choose to spend a lot of time by myself, and I'm comfortable with myself. I love myself. I don't try and run away from me anymore.
I know I am enough simply for existing.

^^ not me, but I love the hippie vibe that this gives off, which is totally me.
HERE are some tools I actually used to shift my life:
information - I love information lol. Podcasts, YouTube videos, books. Take in new information to change your reality.
Emotional freedom technique - tap on your body to shift your state
Subconscious release technique - the subconscious is your GOLD MINE for shifting your reality and changing your life. go deeper. go into your past, your memories. That's what you need to clear out to become empowered, and NEW
Inner Child Work - when your brain was forming, it started to come up with stories. Sometimes those stories were disempowering. That's why you have to learn to "reparent" yourself. Give yourself THE LOVE YOU NEEDED. go back into memories and be the protection you needed. Tell your little self what you needed to hear to feel comforted.
Be patient - this work takes time. I did this for 5+ years, day in and day out (plus a lot of other tools not listed). Commit, do the work without expecting an outcome.
Chanting - or, prayer. a certain kind of meditation. I chanted a mantra for years to shift my vibration and life. and it actually worked!!!! I view life completely different now than how I used to. Yes, I still have crap days. Yes, sometimes I get triggered. However, the OVER ARCHING vibe is that - I'm happy no matter what. I know every single situation I experience is a lesson. I know why I am here.
If you want more tips and tricks, follow me on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/RachelRoxanne11
Listen to my podcast - Rachel Mueller Podcast
Tiktok - RachelRoxanne1111
and, if you want customized healing or coaching, reach out to me <3