What do you base your life on?
Outside thoughts and perspectives from other people that have subscribed to fear based perspectives?
Your own creed
Understanding suffering is a part of life
And what you choose to DO WITH THAT - is it fuel? Do you give yourself permission to slow down?
(Buddhism principles 😍, FYI)
Notice how different thoughts and mindsets bring up different feelings and sensations in your body.
When you're in your power, and feeling confident, is your chest up and open?
When you feel anxiety or fear, do you feel it in your stomach, your throat?
I've found practices that help me re-frame, and re-wire my system, my thoughts, over a long period of time, that are sustainable, and remove the blocks for the long term.
If you'd like 1:1 support working through the intense feelings that you haven't been able to escape for a long time, years, even a lifetime, I'd love to help you do so! I use the emotion code, emotional freedom technique, energy healing, and more to help my clients feel more joy, love, abundance, and FREEDOM. Reach out to see if we'd be a fit to work together today. <3
PS -
More patterns we can break through include not feeling enough, fear of losing love, not receiving your desires, losing weight, sexual trauma, ANYTHING DEEP THAT PEOPLE DON'T LIKE TO TALK ABOUT, I have got you.