I channeled part of this post from Lightbeings / Cosmic Councils
Light WILL keep coming onto this planet of Earth at this time, Dear Ones
It can't be stopped
What does this mean? It means more and more issues, or problems, will come to light
With the age of social media revealing certain celebrity patterns,
abuse in work places,
sexist problems and sexual abuse
all of these have existed for a long time.
the light
is bringing these patterns into more and more CONSCIOUS minds
people are slowly becoming more and more ready to deal with these patterns in an integrated way
not the - sweep it under the rug - way.
we really can't pretend like these problems don't exist anymore - way.
What can we do to fix them?
Humans can come more into their compassion
their heart bodies
their soul bodies
and their energetic centers.
These energetic centers are lighting up
moving out old traumas and dramas
and moving into
being free
speaking their truths
becoming more authentic
truly standing up for others, instead of putting others down
understanding and feeling others' pain
having the ability to step into other peoples' shoes.
It's all for the best and highest good of the universe, dear ones.
You are much more loved than you will ever be able to comprehend and feel in a human body.
Trust the signs
Follow your love
Ask for your power to come back to you, from God, your Higher Self, angels, guides
(only for the best and highest good of all involved!)
And keep ascending
all of our love
