The word "manifest" has been becoming more and more popular in recent years.
It is normally used in a positive context: creating the reality that one desires.
However, manifestations are just energies all toppled and put onto one another. For example, emotions caught in the body and trapped, that aren't processed, can manifest into physical symptoms. An easy example of this is anxiety in the stomach or digestive system. I can speak from experience, growing up with a constant stomach ache.
In practice, if you keep attracting the same patterns over and over again, it's because that energy is inside of your body, aura, existence, and/or reality. Do you keep noticing you're stuck in a lack mindset, poverty, or scarcity? Do you keep noticing you always run into the same wall with any family members? Are you around friends who don't support and love you, like you love them?
I have had my own crappy patterns and went inward using awareness, supporting the subconscious mind, and found spirituality to CHANGE these patterns because those are not fun and enjoyable. They're icky, confusing, stressful, awful, shitty, plus whatever else they are.
Now, I just keep manifesting more and more amazing things. Men who want to help me with car stuff (not my area of expertise), or just be nice to me without expecting anything in return. Friends who feel like family, immediately upon meeting. My body has more energy than it ever has (HUGE for someone who has spent a lot of time sick).
The way I got here is messy, and facing lots of uncomfortable fears. However, it's totally worth it; being a straight up phoenix rising from the ashes.
So, yes, become aware of your thoughts and how they become things, and then, face all of your shadows that you'd rather pretend aren't there. Feel free to reach out if you need some guided support. <3
