There are two energies to experience:
receive / allowing
Out put - moving away
I played volleyball from 4th grade up until 11th grade.
There’s offense and defense.
On offense, there’s an out put energy - hit hard. Whether you’re hitting or serving.
There’s also defense - where we are in "serve-receive" position. If you don’t take the blow off a hard serve, you shank it. It bounces off HARD, because you didn’t soften the blow. A setter also needs to take off some of the heat of the ball. If they tried to set with flat hands, it would fall to the ground. When they create a bit of a round pocket, they can cradle the ball a teensy bit, and control where they want it to go more.
This allowing energy- we need it
We can’t force falling asleep. It happens
We allow it to happen
We can’t force falling in love
Our society and culture really only values OUTPUT energy. Move, drive, don't stop. Even when it comes to compliments, most people suck at RECEIVING kind words or praise.
I lived in only masculine energy for years, and I got really, really sick. At 20-ish years old, my body completely fell apart. Because of all of the stress of DRIVING, always repressing my feelings, not stopping to feel things, moving forward, my body carried and accumulated stress over years. This stress led to: weight gain, anxiety, depression, thyroid imbalances, digestive issues, and more.
I got to make choices to honor my feminine energy more. And you know what? In THAT space and energy, I CAN CHANNEL MESSAGES LIKE THIS ONE I'M WRITING NOW, WITH EASE. I don't have to THINK and have pressure on myself to do. It all just comes flowing out of me.
On the other hand, think of this type of woman:
One that does everything for other people
Her kids
Her friends
Other family members
Works her butt off at the gym
She spreads herself so thin
and she has no energy to give to herself
so her hormones are all out of whack
she's got thyroid issues
she doesn't have any energy to be in the mood with her partner
she yells at her kids
she's stuck in not feeling fulfilled, not beautiful
It doesn't have to be this way
I've walked the path
and now this is what I help others do!
Reach out and we can see if we're a good fit to work together :)
Much love and namaste

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