I've expected a lot of things in my life - how life will go, how my plans will go, connecting with someone and then expecting they'll stick around, even assuming I'd have a BODY that can have enough energy to bring me through life. Wellllp, guess what? Life throws us curveballs, constantly.
I just listened to a Youtube video that talks about how my 1 in my Human Design profile does NOT like change. This makes a lot of sense growing up, as I hated change. I had so much change externally, I couldn't feel safe. My ups and downs were so intense, and I didn't feel like I could have a grip on anything in reality.
This attachment to outcomes brought me a ton of suffering. We are conditioned to believe that if and when we receive an outcome, or something outside of us, then we will be happy, or feel a certain way. However, when those outcomes aren't reached, then our mood reacts negatively! For example, you have expectations in a relationship. If and when that expectation isn't reached, then we build resentments. Those little resentments build up over time, and can cause a lot of rifts and push the two people away.
Now, I live life not expecting ANYTHING. On a day to day basis, sometimes even a moment to basis, I react to what energies are there. When I feel sad and and lonely and don't have anyone to keep my mind busy? Feel into it. When I'm in flow and a really high vibe? Enjoy that energy.