I've been on an awakening and ascension journey for .. I don't know, 5 or 6 years now at this point, give or take.
I have experienced MANY shifts, some have been large, earth-shattering moments, and some have been more subtle, magic changes.
One of my guides and local mentors has brought up multiple times to unleash my inner goddess. In this lifetime, it's like the inner, wild, on-fire, flaming woman and divine feminine energy wants to be entirely unleashed.
Feminine energy has both light and dark sides -
The light side is open, caring, understanding, nurturing, soft, pure
The dark side is attractive, seductive, fearless, fierce. She's lived in the underworld, and has come back from it wiser
If you're ready for taking a baby step towards your fullest expression of your entire self (not wearing different masks in each scenario you experience), check out my FREE 7 Day Goddess Challenge here: https://www.multidimensionalintimacy.com/challenge-page/f08f9941-27e5-4489-a571-4e699d0bbf31?fbclid=IwAR35NwcvJqF27q08kXEmrhK2oTPLyLvDa1cnlrCMnQGNMoW-L4PcGorIi04
